martes, 31 de julio de 2007

About Final Project Themes

Dear Colleague,

I wish you well. Here you have the different Final Project Themes (FPT), and the Person responsible, from the last presentation in Valencia:

Group Nº 1, "Amman as a Tourist Destination web site", Mhamoud

Grupo Nº 2, "Web site to Promoting the Jordan's Desert", Romel

Group Nº 3, "Developing Jerash Visitor Center", Khaled

Group Nº 4, "Dana Reserve", Oshama

Group Nº 5, "Petra Archaeological Park Exhibition", Suleiman

Please, tell us the correct title of your FPT, if there are any changes, and how it is going or progressing, etc. We are keeping in touch. Thanks very much.

Best regards, Prof. Carlos Hernández Franco

martes, 24 de julio de 2007

Have a Nice Holiday Time

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the Seminar Teaching Staff to wish you a nice holiday time. We are keeping in touch. Thanks very much.

Best regards from Valencia, Prof. Carlos Hernández Franco

martes, 10 de julio de 2007

Congratulations PETRA and JORDAN !!!!

Dear Colleague,

We wish you well. We would like to express our sincere CONGRATULATIONS to PETRA and JORDAN !!!

We are keeping in touch. Thanks very much.

Best regards from Valencia, Seminar Teaching Staff